Its odd, but you may have become so competent in repressing stress and discomfort, you honestly can't explain why you are getting tension headaches. You may have become so invested in the path you are currently taking in life, you aren't questioning whether or not you really should be on it.
We all have images of who we are and who we want to be. I think taking personality quizzes have the potential to help us see the gaps between who are are and who we want to be. Reflection can also help us identify how we feel, what we want, and what we are able to do to get where we want to be.
To pass idle time, I sometimes quick personality quizzes I am not sure if I enjoy them. I think I like to ask myself questions, or be asked questions that make me think about where I stand or what I like
The quizes on QUIZILLA are so much more fun than Cosmo because they give you little AVATARS to express something about yourself.
This avatar represents what my soul is trying to say...that's about it...what is even more cute than the anime is the advice.

"Try writing down things you want to change in your life. They can be about you and your personality or about your home and social life. Include: a pencil or pen, a notebook, calming music, candles, lights off, and windows open (preferably do this on a rainy day). This should help you work on things to make your life a real happy place to be."
Take this quiz!
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