How can we feel happy in our physical forms? I don't mean being happy with how one looks.
I mean feeling energized, alive, awakened!
I am glad you asked. Excellent question.
In my opinion, movement is key.
A simple, quick, morning routine to get the blood pumping is first on my list of things to do for cultivating joy in the body.
I strongly suggest resisting any impulse to buy something that you believe will help you get into a workout routine if you don't already have one.
When starting any new program, I highly adise to spend as little as possible.
Far too much advertising appeals to our desire to feel better in our bodies, as well as looking at our bodies. Begin with doing something that requires the minimun amount of time, money, and energy. Build on time and energy first and slowly...then, if you absolutely feel you are ready to join a gym or use new equipment, spend..
I try to begin my day with a simple sequence of asanas (yoga poses) known as the sun salutation.
I recall one friend adopting this strategy when we were working a terribly draining summer job in college. She actually did feel energized from it.
Next, take more, short, breaks while working (if you can). We sit and we stand for very long periods of time at work. Get moving. Take a break once an hour or two to walk around or stretch for 5 minutes.
There are more than a few sites dedicated to helping you avoid the ever more common work related injury of our computer age: repetitive stress injury. Find some exercises you can do to help you move your body in ways to help you avoid this malady.
My problem, with this advice, is that I am so mentally engaged I barely notice an hour, or two, or three, have passed! Do your best. Pay attention to the aches that arise in your body and do something about them. If you have had a long day of sitting and standing, give your self at least 15 minutes to just stretch or walk and just move. This will do wonders. Park farther from the office. Use the stairs. Do what it takes to encorporate this rejuvenation after stressing your body.
You may even want to ice your sore areas while you watch T.V. or while reading before bed. Ice will reduce the inflamation. Of course, a massage is also a great idea. If you can't afford that, you may want to invest in a massage chair pad.
The effects of sitting and standing for too long accumulate!!
You must be attentive to why your body hurts in order to help it feel joy.
Finally, eat well and stay hydrated.
I can save my lecture on what it means to eat well for another day. I would like to believe that most people know that a diet high in starch, sugar, and fats is not good for digestion, weight, or vascular health. Eat more fruits and veggies. I am vegan, and I will write more on why another time.
Eating well means that your body will function as a more effective machine. A well running machine is not slowed by faulty digestion, which can create bloating, headaches, and sluggishness. Staying hydrated will improve your digestion, keep you feeling energized, and possibly prevent a headache.
Move around, take breaks from your work, listen to your body, treat its needs, eat well!
This is my recipie for culitivating joy in the body!
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