When it comes down to a choice between exercise or sleep, choose exercise.
Don't over do it.
You will feel better and more energized.
You may be more reflective, more centered...you might have opened up a space within rather than closed it off.
You might plan an amazing sequence in your lifetime; made a choice about a direction, or a way of life; or forgiven a deserving friend, like yourself.
If you choose to sleep you may dream and you might resolve a disturbing emotion or experience a fantasy your waking mind won't let you see. Dreams might also bring you tremor after tremor of the anxiety you wish to avoid or possibly lull you into the darkening comfort of nothingness you crave--reject this, it saps your energy and propels negative spirals. Dream and maybe you will get a glimpse of the beauty you know exists within you, but be uncertain as to how far it lies outside your grasp---be befuddled by how difficult it is to bring the beauty into the light and to make it reality.
Walk, exercise, and disperse depression, realize penitential, embrace cognitive dissonance, work out a plan OR just absorb the there an then, the here and now and simply BE HAPPY.
May LOVE , TRUTH, and BEAUTY reign in a coherent order in your waking life.
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